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Two Days One Night Trip at Kepri Coral

Have you ever been on holiday to Kepri Coral? Kepri Coral is a tourist attraction in Batam, located at the 6 Barelang Bridge. The place is so beautiful. I will share my memorable experience on vacation for two days and one night at Kepri Coral. The journey starts from Batam City to Kepri Coral Harbor, on the 6 Barelang Bridge, from my house to the 6 Bar Barang Bridge in about an hour. Then the journey continues by taking the ferry for 40 to 50 minutes. We will be dropped off at a floating restaurant near Kepri Coral Island. This floating restaurant is in the middle of the open sea. Arriving at the floating restaurant, we will do several activities there; the first thing we will serve is lunch and hot drinks. After lunch at the floating restaurant, we can see the sea aquarium on the ship's bottom floor. We can see various types of fish and coral reefs in the middle of the sea under the floating restaurant. It is gorgeous to greet various types of fish in the sea. In the floating res

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